April 13, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
A lawsuit has been brought against Bishop James Timlin and Bishop Joseph Bambera for their part in covering up years of alleged sexual abuse by priests in the Diocese of Scranton. After years of thinking it was “too late” to do anything about their abuse, four men have come forward and accused Father Michael Pulicare, the former assistant pastor of St Joseph’s Parish, of sexual abuse. Pulicare died in 1999 and the church was renamed Divine Mercy of St Joseph, which is located on Davis St in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Each man filed their own separate lawsuit.
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Revival Window Bill Moving Through State Senate in Pennsylvania
January 25, 2023 / by Christina Feeney / Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawsuits
New House Speaker Mark Rozzi recently vowed that no other legislation would be taken up until the Senate approved a constitutional amendment allowing child sex abuse victims to file claims . . .
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Archdiocese of Philadelphia has Paid Over $78 Million to Clergy Abuse Survivors
July 8, 2022 / by Christina Feeney / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
Three and a half years ago, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia set up the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP). A final report released by the IRRP showed that the archdiocese paid out $78 million . . .
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Statute of Limitations Bill Stalled in PA Legislature
June 17, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawsuits
Pressure to change existing statute of limitations laws for survivors of sexual abuse began to emerge from the public after a 2018 grand jury report from the state’s Attorney General shed light on just how deep the Catholic Church’s cover-up of child sexual abuse ran in Pennsylvania. Three years later, efforts to change those laws are still getting bogged down in the state’s legislature.
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Pennsylvania Legislators Take Two-Track Approach to Open Revival Window for Child Sex Abuse Survivors
April 15, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
After a serious ‘blunder’ by Pennsylvania’s Department of State earlier this month, Pennsylvania legislators look to pass a new bill that would allow child sex abuse victims a two-year ‘window’ to file civil claims in court against both public and private entities.
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Pennsylvania Department of State Drops Ball on Constitutional Amendment
April 2, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
At the beginning of 2021, the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee overwhelmingly passed legislation focused on creating a revival window for child sexual abuse survivors. After passing the General Assembly in February, the bill should have been included on the May 2021 ballot so, if passed, the state’s constitution could be amended.
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Diocese of Scranton Faces 3 More Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawsuits
March 12, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
Three sexual abuse lawsuits filed against the Scranton Diocese at the end of 2020 allege that church officials knew the accused clergy members were abusing children and instead of punishing those priests, they transferred them to other parishes.
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Priest Sexual Abuse Case in PA Could Open the Door for Other Survivors
February 26, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
In Oct. 2020, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court heard oral arguments virtually and live-streamed via YouTube, for the Rice v. Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, et. al, case. This important legal battle could have major implications for priest and clergy abuse survivors regarding potential lawsuits.
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Pennsylvania Revival Window Moves Closer to Reality
February 6, 2021 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania made headlines in August of 2018 with the release of the Diocese Victim Report, which came after a two-year grand jury investigation into sexual abuse and cover-ups in six of the eight Pennsylvania Dioceses. In its wake, Pennsylvania legislators took aim at updating laws involving sexual abuse and a survivor’s ability to pursue a civil action against an abuser and the institutions that covered it up.
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Allegations of Sexual Abuse Emerge Against Two Priests Who Served in the Diocese of Greensburg, PA
December 16, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawsuits
Allegations of sexual abuse by two priests who served in the Greensburg Diocese were brought to light recently by the State Attorney General’s office and the diocese itself. Father Emil Payer’s name was released by the diocese as part of a report by Bishop Edward Malesic. The report stated that Payer’s name was being added to the diocese’s list of priests who served within the diocese and had one or more “credible and substantiated” allegations of child sexual abuse brought against them. The second priest, Father Andrew M. Kawecki, was arrested and charged with several sexual abuse crimes against a former altar boy.
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Number of Clergy Abuse Lawsuits Filed in Pennsylvania Surge
November 20, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
Over the last few years, many states have passed reform bills to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse hold their abusers, and the institutions responsible for the abuse, accountable. Several states, including New York and California, have passed laws setting up what are commonly referred to as ‘revival windows.’ These ‘revival windows’ create a time frame for previously expired claims to be brought on behalf of the survivor.
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Philadelphia Inquirer Investigates Additional Sexual Assault Claims Against Devereux Behavioral Health
September 16, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawsuits
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is again under fire after The Philadelphia Inquirer article highlighted the disturbing behavior and cultural patterns within the Devereux company which perpetuated multiple sexual abuse allegations and lawsuits.
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Clergy Sex Abuse Cover-up Sparks Lawsuit Against Diocese of Erie
July 30, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
A lawsuit was filed in early July of this year against the Diocese of Erie, alleging fraudulent concealment. A woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, referred to here as ‘Jane Doe’, has alleged that she was molested by Rev. Michael G. Barletta in the 1970s. At the center of the lawsuit is her claim that the Erie Diocese not only covered-up previous allegations against Rev. Barletta, but, more disturbingly, let him remain in active ministry which allowed him the access to later molest her. Her lawsuit explains that she had no idea of the Erie Diocese’s history of protecting child predators until the statewide grand jury report was released in 2018
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Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Touts Victory for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
July 1, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
Over the last couple of years Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Josh Shapiro and his office has been very busy, especially when it comes to protecting survivors of sexual abuse.
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Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Released for Abused Survivors of the Catholic Church
May 5, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
It has been over a year since a Pennsylvania grand jury released the names of 300 Pennsylvania priests accused of sexual abuse. Releasing those names may have helped garner some much-needed momentum for both victims and lawmakers.
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Bishops Cover Up in the Diocese of Scranton
April 13, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
A lawsuit has been brought against Bishop James Timlin and Bishop Joseph Bambera for their part in covering up years of alleged sexual abuse by priests in the Diocese of Scranton. After years of thinking it was “too late” to do anything about their abuse, four men have come forward and accused Father Michael Pulicare, the former assistant pastor of St Joseph’s Parish, of sexual abuse. Pulicare died in 1999 and the church was renamed Divine Mercy of St Joseph, which is located on Davis St in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Each man filed their own separate lawsuit.
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Harrisburg Catholic Diocese Attempts to Reduce Sex Abuse Lawsuit Payouts with Bankruptcy Filing
March 10, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
The Harrisburg Catholic Diocese has recently declared bankruptcy as a result of ongoing and mounting Catholic Church sexual abuse claims. The diocese has already paid out nearly $13 million to 111 victims of childhood sexual abuse and church officials believe there may be more than 200 additional victims who could seek compensation through the bankruptcy proceedings.
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PA Grand Jury Investigates Jehovah’s Witness Sex-Abuse Cover Up
February 21, 2020 / by Brett Katsma / Religious Institutions Sexual Abuse & Assault
Pennsylvania Attorney General (AG) Josh Shapiro is working towards proving that leading Jehovah’s Witness officials have long been covering up sexual abuse committed by elders and relatives of the church. AG Shapiro has experience in uncovering sexual abuse scandals
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Superior Court reinstates priest molestation lawsuit filed against Altoona-Johnstown Diocese
July 9, 2019 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
A Pennsylvania Superior Court has recently reinstated an important lawsuit against the Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA. The lawsuit claims that a woman was repeatedly molested by a pedophile priest in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The case was originally dismissed in December 2017 by a Blair County, PA Common Pleas Court due to an expiration of the statute of limitations (the time allowed to file a claim by law).
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Woman can sue Catholic Church in Pa. over alleged priest abuse 40 years ago, court says
June 17, 2019 / by Brett Katsma / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse
With an important victory for sexual abuse victims, a Pennsylvania court has recently ruled that a woman can pursue her lawsuit claiming clergy in the Altoona-Johnstown, PA Roman Catholic Diocese covered up her alleged molestation by a priest. The lawsuit was initially dismissed by a county judge in 2017 because the statute of limitations had expired. However, a three-judge Superior Court panel reinstated the woman’s lawsuit which claims that two bishops illegally tried to cover up her sexual abuse by a priest to protect their reputations. The ruling may allow more sexual abuse victims whose abuse occurred long ago, to file claims.
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