Employment Injuries

Every day thousands of people are injured on the job. Workplace injuries include physical harm suffered in an industrial accident, exposure to hazardous materials, and injuries suffered on a construction site. Sometimes these injuries occur because of workplace safety violations and other times because of the inherent danger associated with the job. Either way, if you or a loved one were injured on the job, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits usually pay for your medical expenses and cover a portion of your salary. However, these benefits are not automatic, and if you do not apply for them within the time frame specified by your state, you may be forever barred from doing so. Hiring an experienced attorney can help you receive the benefits you are due.

NFL Concussion Lawsuit

nfl concussion lawsuit settlement

The NFL Concussion Settlement could potentially be worth up to $5 million each for former players with certain neurologic injuries. You didn’t know you might have been sacrificing your long term health during your playing days, but the NFL should have. Join our team in fighting for the rights of retired players
