NFL to Launch $100 Million Concussion Initiative
Posted on: September 15, 2016 NFL Concussion Lawsuits
The NFL is launching a $100 million concussion initiative in the hopes of improving player safety. $60 million will go towards technological development, in part to try and improve helmets for players while the other $40 million will go to funding medical research on the effects of head injuries. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he thinks the new initiative will help make the game safer for the players. While Goodell says he knows there will be a degree of skepticism concerning the league’s efforts related to head injuries, he hopes that sharing the results of the initiative’s research with the public will show that the NFL is committed to player safety. The full article can be read here.
Learn More About Filing Your NFL Concussion Claim
The Feeney Law Firm provides additional information about filing an NFL concussion claim on our NFL Concussion settlement page. Our firm is committed to seeking justice for those affected by NFL Concussions. Fighting to keep people safe from corporate greed and self-interest is our passion. We are here to help make that process as simple as possible for you and your family. Call us now at 1-800-341-1577 for a FREE consultation. Don’t wait; your time to file a claim may be limited.